BOLD VISION. New Futures.

To evolve and elevate the brand into a digital space, we created a component-based system for Natoora’s digital platform, prioritising flexibility and versatility to ensure the product could adapt to the needs of the brand today and tomorrow.

Natoora Digital Overview

Our Process

Before wire-framing the new website, we performed an audit of the existing website to allow us to decide what elements to migrate, change or create for the new website.

We defined and built our new content structure using a four part colour coordination system: Yellow (static content pages acting as editorial pieces), Orange (Ecommerce related pages plp, pdp and checkout), Purple (related to the most unique part of the site which was the creation of the Seasonal planner) and Blue (blog content which brought the features.natoora and together on one site). This simplified system allowed us to distill our thinking and organise content with a unified approach across the site.

Natoora Sitemap
Natoora Style Guide
Natoora Homescreen
Natoora Components

Natoora needed a buying experience to match a distinctly different way of thinking about food. Instead of selling individual fruit and vegetables, the brand offers expertly curated selection boxes of radically seasonal produce. This purchasing model gives consumers the opportunity to explore more and experience the joy of produce as the planet intended.

On a mission to create lasting change, Natoora wanted to introduce a subscription service. As a key component of their new business model, we integrated a sign up button directly into the checkout design. We wanted to highlight the offering and make sure it was simple and convenient for customers to sign up to. By giving people the choice to subscribe instead of placing a one time purchase, Natoora are able to amplify their impact and get people to commit to eating seasonally.

Natoora Mobile Checkout

Natoora share weekly updates on which produce is in Early, Peak and Late season. Initially limited to a blog post, we reimagined how Natoora could share this content to amplify their expertise and bring more people’s attention to the subtle shifts in flavour taking place each day. We created a bespoke and interactive Seasonal Planner that allows users to toggle between the seasons and explore different flavour profiles. The feature acts as a tool for exploration and education. We introduced hover states to reveal specific attributes and insights such as where produce is grown, who by and how best to embrace its seasonality.

Natoora Seasonal Planner

Natoora don’t just deliver fresh produce, but fresh thinking. A conscious ethos runs through everything they do. To reflect this, the brand’s digital expression needed a human touch. We designed the new website to be an immersive digital experience that combines a seamless shopping experience with rich editorial content. Our integrated approach elevates authentic and unique stories about the people and produce behind Natoora. We also introduced dynamic video content to bring the supply chain to life, helping Natoora to cultivate connection and inspire more people to change the way they think about food.

Natoora Blog Page
Natoora Blog Landing
Natoora It started with a peach
Natoora Desktop Checkout

Explore the project further

Natoora / Strategy

Justified Studio