We developed a distinct visual system playing with the notion of ‘power’. This allowed us to create a suite of visual assets that are fresh, bright and forward-thinking. Combining the bright electric visual style with bold product imagery allowed SVEA Solar to sit strategically between creativity and technology.
The creative was rolled out across all channels, including the digital platform, brand platform, copywriting, the app and product imagery. SVEA Solar is now positioned as a global market leader, breathing a much needed new life into the green energy industry.

Creative Strategy
Overhauling an already globally established green energy company had various challenges. We defined these into two tasks from the offset that would give the branding work clear objectives & KPIs.
Task 1: A perception shift. How can we re-brand the green energy sector? To be Sweden’s biggest solar energy company, we must position them away from the green energy cliché. By working closely alongside the team, we crafted a comprehensive, game-changing identity that has since positioned them as a global market leader – breathing new life into the stagnant aesthetic tropes prevalent in the sustainable energy industry.
Task 2: A mindset shift. How can we make people think differently about using power? With the notion of ‘power’ leading the brand’s creative direction, we embodied SVEA’s unique balance of unrivalled industry expertise and their innovative, industry-disrupting attitude – uncommonly situated between creativity and technology.

The brand identity and visual system directly evolved from the strategic positioning to set the company between creativity and technology. The brand assets struck this tone by contrasting SVEA’s electric colour palette with a slick typographic system combined across SVEA’s digital and physical touchpoints. Subsequently, the brand not only stood out, but it stood for something, capturing a striking, optimistic tone not seen within the industry before. The outcome of the work since the launch in 2020 is that Svea Solar is now positioned as a global market leader, breathing a much-needed new life into the green energy industry.