Complex global challenges demand the world of science to be more courageous and committed. The International Science Council is uniquely positioned as a leader through the work they produce and the partnerships they have maintained. However, their story, mission and brand weren’t being communicated clearly, and there was no singular brand manifesto and strategy the organisation could get behind.

We worked closely with the organisation to understand and unlock its communication strategy. There was a creative challenge to make sure the ISC could speak and reflect the language of science to the scientific community but also be able to entice, educate and convert policymakers from broader backgrounds. This delicate balance was reflected in the graphic design, writing style, pace and even the voice-over artists we worked with. The first deliverable we produced was a brand film which held the message of the ISC. This is used on the website’s landing page, presented at all conferences during 2023 and has set the tone for the digital work to be rolled out into 2024.