Earthrise is a collective of designers, filmmakers, and writers dedicated to communicating climate. We have been supporting Earthrise since the inception of the company and have supported across all areas, from brand design and positioning, social media, film production and launching their digital platform.

Earthrise tells stories for a new world. Radical stories of hope, of new possibility. Stories from the future that help us navigate the now.
The name comes from the iconic photo taken in 1968 by William Anders during the NASA Apollo 8 mission to the moon. When it was published, ‘Earthrise’ helped catalyse the global environmental movement. It shifted the perspective of those who saw it, serving as a reminder of both the fragility and the uniqueness of Planet Earth. The goal is to humanise the impacts of the climate crisis by sharing the diverse experiences of those living on the frontlines of climate change and the activists who have devoted their lives to tackling it.

Creative Positioning
It’s pretty tough out there at the moment, isn’t it? Between the climate crisis and its multiple intersecting issues, it’s difficult to know what to do, where to turn or even how to cope. But we have to don’t we – because what’s the alternative?
We have to act; we have to apply pressure; we have to build a movement, start being the change that many tell us can’t (or shouldn’t) exist. Earthrise is the platform, an open community, a vital resource for anyone who wants to craft a new story of how we should live.

Special Thanks
To the collective of designers, filmmakers, and writers dedicated to communicating how we navigate the climate crisis.
For the trust and collaborative approach from the founders:
Finn Harries, Jack Harries and Alice Aedy.